Here’s what our LITT partners have to say

“I applied to expand the scope of a youth-led discussion forum we have here called Real Talk. Thanks to LITT support, we run events at least twice a month; serve dinner to the group at each event; bring in professionals to lead workshops; provide transportation for field trips; and pay stipends to six teen leaders. This support has had a transformative impact on our influence with teen users and our standing in the community.”

Teen Services Dept. Head, Waltham Public Library

“The Teen Corner transformed from a space that was pulled together with existing resources –borrowed furniture from other departments –to a space that is inviting to youth. Additionally, the funding provided much needed program support and increased youth engagement. A very active and first time Youth Advisory Council took off and met regularly, all youth receiving a stipend for their commitment.”

Director, Lawrence Public Library

”The support provided by LITT allowed me to offer extra programming such as babysitter certification training and a poetry SLAM to my teens. It also allowed me to offer food at many more programs (something that is vital in my underserved community). This resulted in an increase in teen attendance, an increase in community and parental involvement, and best of all, an increase in teen activism and engagement!”

Young Adult Librarian, Turner Free Library

“We covered three main activist areas with the Artivism boxes: Indigenous rights and activism, Black Lives Matter, and LGBTQ+ representation. By bringing in activists who could speak personally on their experiences it gave the teens a new way to look at these movements and a new way to engage that they may not get via social media or the news.”

Teen Service Librarian, Worcester Public Library